

From a Dream to a Reality

Eglinton Growers was founded by individuals who had a dream to create allotments and a garden site in North Ayrshire. Eglinton Growers was supported from the offset by NAC. After two years of hard lobbying, fund raising, planning, feasibility studies and looking for a suitable site, the first phase of development of our site started in May 2012. By June 2012 this work was mainly completed and it included plowing and harrowing the field, signage, gates, the road entrance to the site, a network of gravel roads and paths, car parking and containers positioned to provide a temporary communal storage and meeting area. The first 50 on our waiting list where invited to lease plots for the remaining half of the season on a trial basis. We had our first plot holders and finally started to grow. In 2013 90 plots where made available for the first first proper year of operation. Since opening we have added toilet facilities, additional parking, material bays and built some trial raised beds. Given sufficient demand we still have room to expand further.

Growing a Community

Developing the site and opening the allotment site has enabled a strong community of growers. Lots of enduring friendships have been made and many cups of tea have been drunk. Volunteers have helped maintain and shape the site.
